
Terranet has conducted prototype tests of BlincVision in a vehicle outdoors during the second quarter

The initial system integration in a vehicle has been completed, along with the first prototype tests of BlincVision in a vehicle outdoors. These tests mark a significant step forward in the development process toward a finished product. The next step is to extend the prototype testing during the summer with evaluations on an authorized test…

Terranet extends part of loan

Terranet has today agreed with the current lenders on an extension of part of the existing loan totalling SEK 8 million. The loan runs for an additional twelve months with a maturity date of June 30, 2025. The loan originally raised to finance the company’s investment in holoride GmbH in 2021 was due in full…

Terranet selected by MobilityXlab for collaboration with leading companies in the automotive industry

After an extensive selection process with over 100 applicants from 14 countries, Terranet has been chosen to participate in MobilityXlab’s prestigious collaboration program starting in August 2024. The program provides Terranet with a unique opportunity to conduct a Proof of Concept together with one or more of MobilityXlab’s partners, such as Ericsson, Magna Electronics, Volvo…

Warrants of series TO7 were subscribed to approximately 95 percent and Terranet receives approximately SEK 12.6 million

Terranet AB (publ) (“Terranet” or the “Company”) today announces the outcome of the exercise of warrants of series TO7. In total, 173,029,725 warrants of series TO7 were exercised, corresponding to approximately 95 percent of the total number of outstanding warrants of series TO7, for subscription of 173,029,725 B-shares at a subscription price of SEK 0.073…

Terranet in collaboration with leading vehicle manufacturers and major suppliers for improved traffic safety

AstaZero*, in collaboration with several partners, including Terranet AB and Trafikverket, is launching a new project aimed at significantly improving traffic safety for automated vehicles. The project will run from May 2024 to May 2025 and is funded by Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency. FFI, Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation, is a collaboration program between the…

The last day of trading with the warrants of series TO7 in Terranet AB is today, May 29, 2024

Today, May 29, 2024, is the last day of trading with the warrants of series TO7 in Terranet AB (publ) (“Terranet” or “the Company”). The exercise period for the warrants of series TO7 runs up until June 3, 2024. Each warrant of series TO7 gives the owner the right to subscribe for one (1) new…

The Board and management of the Company, as well as companies affiliated with them, intend to exercise warrants corresponding to approximately 27 percent of the outstanding warrants of series TO7 in Terranet AB

Terranet AB (publ) (”Terranet” or the “Company”) hereby announces the Board and management of the Company, as well as companies affiliated with them, intend to exercise their warrants of series TO7, an investment of approximately SEK 3.6 million, corresponding to approximately 27 percent of the total amount of outstanding warrants of series TO7. The subscription…

Bulletin from the annual general meeting of Terranet AB on 21 May 2024

The annual general meeting of Terranet AB (the “Company”) took place today, 21 May 2024 at Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå’s premises at Sveavägen 20, 3 tr, in Stockholm. The meeting resolved with the required majority as follows: Adoption of the income statement and balance sheetThe annual general meeting resolved to adopt Terranet’s income statement and balance…

The subscription period for the warrants of series TO7 starts today, May 20, 2024

Today, May 20, 2024, marks the commencement of the exercise period for subscription of warrants of series TO7 in Terranet AB (publ) (”Terranet” or the” Company”). The exercise period for warrants of series TO7 runs up until and including June 3, 2024. Each warrant gives the right to subscribe for one (1) new share of…

The subscription price for exercise of warrants of series TO7 in Terranet AB has been set to SEK 0.073 per share of series B. The exercise period begins on Monday, May 20, 2024.

Terranet AB (publ) (” Terranet” or the” Company”) issued 182 664 660 warrants of series TO7 in connection with the Company’s rights issue in the second quarter of 2023. Each warrant gives the right to subscribe for one (1) new share of series B in the Company. The subscription price for the warrants of series TO7 shall…

Terranet appoints strategic business developer to enhance customer relations

Terranet welcomes Jonas Renander as strategic business developer (CCO, Chief Commercial Officer). He joins the company at a crucial time as Terranet is in the process of finalizing the company’s first prototype for BlincVision while also deepening dialogues with potential customers and partners. Jonas Renander has over 20 years of experience in sales and project…

Terranet AB – Interim report Q1 2024

Significant events during the first quarter – Successful prototype demo in lab conducted at the end of March During the first quarter of the year, product development focused on the prototype demonstration in a lab environment, which was carried out with successful results. – Organizational reinforcements During the quarter, we continued to develop our organization.…